22 billion packages are shipped to U.S. consumers annually.

That’s 60.3 million packages shipped per day…

2.5 million per hour delivered to U. S. consumers

every day and projected to grow every year.

Each package is a billboard.

BillGoBoard is the only media company that sells AD SPACE on those billboards.

BillGoBoard connects e-commerce retailers with national brand advertisers seeking a breakthrough way to engage consumers!

74% of marketing executives state that Direct Mail delivers the best ROI of media channels.

• Packages outperform Direct Mail, delivering 100% Consumer Engagement

• High return on investment ROI 29%*

• Higher response rates at 12.4%* vs. email at 0.6%

• Millennials have the highest response

• Open rates of 80-90%* vs. email at 20-30%

Sources: Quad; ZipDo *refers to direct mail statistics only.

Advertisers are searching for breakthrough media vehicles for higher ROI and consumer engagement.

• Digital fatigue is high and CPM’s are increasing

• 34% of Americans used ad blocking software, lowering digital conversion rates

• Significant concerns online over privacy – digital growth slowing.

• Increased distrust, digital detox, negatively impacting social media usage.

Sources: Forbes, Statista, Quad Customer Focus Study 2022

This is the power of analog, disruptive advertising

We invite you to become part of this media breakthrough.